Sunday, September 23, 2012

See You Later

The season winds down and even as we welcome friends to the farm, the fresh Autumn air brings with it the resounding notes of good-bye or 'see you later' as my friends begin to trickle out. I spent some time in the arms of one such friend last night who is heading East for the winter to take care of his family. He has been a profound part of my journey and I his, both of us holding the awareness that through our brief connection, we left and imprint on each other and are both forever changed. Surprisingly, I did not feel sad for words not left unsaid or feelings unexplored, but a deep, deep gratitude for the Mystery, growth, and gifts of seeing this other and of being seen.

A favorite question I and the other apprentices at True Nature Farm get asked is "What are you doing next?" I've been asked this question before I even arrived here and I've got to admit, I still don't know the answer. Although there are options (Peru, Canada) I am feeling called to stay in the U.S. I don't know where or what that means and while I feel and can do great work anywhere, something that has come up for me a lot is that this land that I come from can use people like me in it.

I've been asking for guidance in this process, as I look for my 'next best step'. Besides the inclination to stay in the states, I'm not getting any definitive answers. I am however, making good connections with people who are interested in my skills and I am paying attention to wherever my heart leads me.

I long to further cultivate my gifts, to bring them to the people. Although I know I do so daily, in my own quiet ways, I seek to embody my gifts more fully and I know each day is a lesson in how to do that. 'Trust yourself and your experience', a new friend said as I shared my stories with here. 'Soon your gifts will become more tangible, more of this world that the "other" world,' a wise teacher said to me recently.

Admittedly, I am a little scared. A bigger part of me is so curious and excited to see where I will go next. I've been a similar place of transition many times over the past couple of years, you can see it here in my stories. Each time I trust and I'm getting better at it with the knowledge that the universe has always puts me where it needs me, just as I'm supposed to be at this course, with this teacher and with these beautiful people.

Best wishes on your journey, follow that thing in your heart that knows the way.

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