Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Filling in the Blanks

City Weekly Horoscope:

"Fill in the blanks, Taurus. Don't let the blanks remain vacant and barren any longer. Don't allow them to keep screaming at you with their accusatory silence. Just fill in the freaking blanks with whatever you've got to fill them with - with your best guesses and borrowed mojo, with any miscellaneous material you have at hand. I realize you may be tempted to wait around for a supposedly more ideal moment. but I'm here to tell you that this is as ideal as it gets. So please express the hell out of yourself in the empty spaces, my dear; create yourself anew in the void - however imporvisation or inexact it might feel."

I love this and needed to hear it. I've faced up to some of my most difficult "stuff" this past week. It's never been so hard to be authentic yet in being authentic I have experinenced a HUGE shift. So it is time to start filling in the blanks. When I switched my focus to my soul work a year ago I had no idea who I wanted to be and only snapshots of what my ideal life might look like. My perception has since expanded. My ideas about this life, about self and Mystery are different. Now I know what I want the foundation to look like, it's time to start building with the how, where and what.  I have faith that it will come together as long as I think with my heart and remember who I am. I'm scared and I don't expect it to be easy but I go forward knowing, learning and growing.

“It’s about choices. If you see Life as a miraculous journey it will take you to amazing places. It’s also about recognising that feelings are the language of the soul and honouring the wisdom of those inner promptings – even if it means massive upheaval and a dramatic change of direction."
~Geoff Dalglish

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